Monday, June 9, 2008

Jennifer Weiner

I really like JW books (for those of you who don't know, she's kind of a "literary" chick lit. Her books that I've read are "Good in Bed" and "Little Earthquakes" and "In Her Shoes.") The book I'm reading now is "Goodnight Nobody" which at first seemed really readable and engaging but now seems kind of whiny and self-righteous. The crux of a story is a bored stay-at-home mom who goes about investigating a local murder. I think I'm tired of the bored housewife routine-- "oh my husband doesn't pay enough attention to me, oh, I can only make fishsticks and tater tots and everyone else serves organic sushi to their children." A lot of chick lit has devolved into this. It's either a housewife who's under appreciated and underwhelmed by their life, or a woman who's just dying to get married, have a boyfriend, lose ten pounds or buy a new Prada bag. Blech. I think I'm getting cranky with it all. That's why I've jumped to memoir and good ol' historical fiction. But I'll finish "Goodnight Nobody".

If you need proof of how much this character feels sorry for herself (and her million dollar home, her husband who's nice but works a lot, her new car and her three bright, and of course, terribly witty children):

"'Goodnight comb and goodnight brush, goodnight nobody, good night mush.'"
"Mama, who is Nobody?" Sophie asked, pointing at the blank page.
Me, I thought.

Oh, BARF. Go cry over your latte!!

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