Friday, June 6, 2008

I Rememberd!!!

Holy Cows!!!!! This getting old thing is killing me. I forgot how to post on this and I read another book I wanted to tell you about, but I couldn't remember how to do this. OK. Actually, I am currently reading it, but it is very good. It's a mystery but it's humerous too. The Witch's Tongue: A Charlie Moon Mystery by James D. Doss. Charlie Moon is a Native American in CO a former investigator for the Southern Ute Police Department. He's a rancer now but still involved with some investigating and some law enforement pals. Some pretty colorful characters too. I'm really enjoying this book, it's hard to turn the tape off (listening to it). Think you will enjoy it too.

1 comment:

Cari said...

Oh good, because I was lost on how to get you back on again!!