Thursday, April 24, 2008

Some Of My Favorite Reads

Over the last year I have stumbled upon some new favorite authors who have actual series that I can spend hours consumed by. Here would be my new favorite Authors: Blaize Clement - Dixie Hemingway Mystery Series. These are a kick to read and very enjoyable. Janet Evanovich - Stephanie Plum series and the Full series are a great read, funny suspenseful and easy to get through. I can't wait for the next one. I have two new authors that I have enjoyed as well, Brian Freeman - Stalked and C.J. Box - Blue Heaven. Both are suspenseful.

Of course I have my old faithful authors that I love to read, Vince Flynn writes political thrillers that should be read in order. His main guy is Mitch Rapp and this guy is pretty amazing. John Grisham is another author that I just can't get enough of. I have read every single one of his books and have loved 99% of them. Fern Michaels has started a new series that has been a lot of fun to read. It is the Sisterhood series. Read them in order. They are about a bunch of female vigilantes and you just have to love 'em.


Ruth said...

Vince Flynn and John Grisham are two of my favorites as well. I'd not heard of Brian Freeman or C.J. Box before now, so will definitely have to check them out.

Another good legal thriller author is James Ross, author of Lifetime Loser. It's a great read and reminiscent of the early Grisham stuff with enough fraud and corruption to keep you turning the pages to see what happens next.

Have a great day!

eve said...

I love Stephanie Plum too. Janet E. is definetely one of my favorite authors.

Grahamcracker said...

For the most part, I really like the Plum series. The only thing that bugs me, and I admit it's completely superficial, is her use of the word 'probably'. Gramatically it's correct, but at least once a page she uses the word 'probably' in the wrong context.

Instead of saying "I'll probably catch the bad guy," she says "Probably I'll catch the bad guy."

It drives me crazy!