Friday, May 2, 2008

Phillipa Gregory

I think the whole world's gone Phillipa Gregory crazy... In 2003, when Shana and I were in London I bought "The Virgin's Lover" and didn't end up reading it until 2006. (I only can be that specific because I remember I was pregnant when I read it). I loved it, and when I went to buy more PG books, expecting there to be quite a hunt, I was very surprised to find that she's everywhere. She's HUGE. I love that she's making historical fiction mainstream, and I love that you can learn about the Tudors, historical Britian, etc, in an entertaining way. What's even more interesting is that historical fiction is now popular as a genre. I'm sure there's some historians who think it's garbage and silly, but I think anything that makes us learn is worth reading!! Anyway, so right now I am currently reading "The Last Wife of Henry 8th" by somone who's name I don't remember. It's pretty good, but it's no PG. I can't wait until the next book, but at the rate she's churning them out you have to wonder if she's going to run out of characters pretty soon!!

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