Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Stephanie Myer- The Vampire Chronicals

These books (4 total) are without a doubt the best I've read over the past couple years. They're like candy, purely for recreation and not at all high-brow, and, like candy, I am going totally addicted.

The story revolves around the intense love story of Bella and Edward Edward and his family (the Cullens) are vampires that do not feed on humans..'vegetarian' if you will. Bella is human.

I read all 3000 pages (4 books) within 2 weeks. These are the kind of books you stay up until 3am reading... They're such page turners that I found myself sneaking in 2 minutes here and there just to get a fix.

Oh, AND, Twilight (the 1st book) has been made into a movie, debuting 12/12/2008.

I highly recommend!! Harry Potter quality:)


eve said...

Awesome. I'm getting the first book tomorow. love u...auntie

Shana said...

Wow, two recommendations in one week! My friend Libby just told me that I HAD to go out and get these books because she loved them and knew I would too and here you are posting about them. I can't wait to start them!

Cari said...

I don't know how I can't NOT read them now. Everyone talks about them!

Grahamcracker said...

Auntie, i'm DYING to know what you think!

Shana said...

Marila, just thought you should know I started Twilight last night and I'm already halfway through it! I LOVE it and read ANY moment I can spare (that means every time I'm nursing and for some reason I'm needing to nurse more and for longer these days... HUmmm :)) I can't wait to see what happens!

Grahamcracker said...

OMG Shana you have to let me know what you thought! Book #2 was a little frustrating for me, but 3 and 4 (especially 4) totally make up for it!