Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Nineteen Minutes...Jodi Picoult

Just finished Nineteen Minutes. It was a very good book. Really insiteful (is that with a c or an s?) as to the psychie (oh brother, sorry for the English Shana and Cari) of children, and parents, and teenagers, etc. It ended the only way it could. I think I probably would'nt read it if I had small kids as it can make you feel a little bit helpless and hopeless as a parent. But since my kids all turned out soo good and balanced (despite having me for a mother) instead I just breathed a big "whew" that their grown. I reeeeeally need to read something light and airy so my next book is called "The Good Good Pig" by Sy Montgomery. It's about the extraordinary life of christopher hogwood. So far, it 's just what I needed.


Grahamcracker said...

Started this one today...

Grahamcracker said...

It was good! She always throws a surprise ending in there.. which was fitting in this case. I couldn't help but feel sorry for the shooter.. children can be so cruel. I almost feel like they got what they deserved. And now i feel guilty for saying that..